Flying fungi
Meet the red-cockaded woodpecker, a black and white bird with a real knack for making holes in living pine trees. Read on to learn of its incredible relationship with a shelf fungus that eats the heartwood of those same pines.
February 3, 20241 Comment

Rust fungi have complex lives that can involve two different plants and five kinds of spores. Who figured that out? Nov 2018

Who dares speak of food and stinkhorns in the same breath? We're brave. Feb 2015

Impatiens downy mildew, sex, and Mr. Hope. Sep 2014

Twinkly earthstars
Beautiful, animated earthstars and their hidden diversity. Jun 2014

Ladybug Fungi
Three cheers for ladybugs? No, three fungi. Jan 2014

A deadly Russula
An Asian Russula that can kill! A post by Ben Hoffman. Dec 2013

JH Petersen's book 'The Kingdom of Fungi' is a great intro to a little-known part of our world. Dec 2013

How fungi grew on Cesalpino
Mold eats an ancient book printed in 1583: A book that discusses the origins of mold. Nov 2013